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Council governance review underway

Council members are currently undertaking a province-wide consultation on the work of the College.

College Council struck an ad hoc committee at its March meeting to conduct regional forums, facilitate discussion groups and oversee research leading to a formal report to Minister of Education Gerard Kennedy this fall. The effort responds to the Minister's invitation for reactions to his discussion paper, Revitalizing the Ontario College of Teachers. The Minister circulated the paper at the inaugural meeting of his Education Partnership Table in early March.

Council Chair Marilyn Laframboise asked Council members, "Who better than the College to offer an opinion on its future?"

Council members Laframboise, Ernie Checkeris, Ted Coulson, Patrick Daly, Nancy Hutcheson, Patrick Slack and Anne Vinet-Roy comprise the committee leading the research and report-writing initiative. College Registrar Doug Wilson serves as a non-voting member.

Regional panels of the ad hoc committee held meetings beginning in May across Ontario. The committee extended invitations to education stakeholder, regulatory and community groups for regional sessions in Windsor, London, Toronto, Ottawa, Sudbury and Thunder Bay. The committee is also accepting written submissions.

Representative samples of both College members and the public will also be surveyed on this issue as part of Professionally Speaking's annual State of the Teaching Profession telephone poll to be conducted in July. The State of the Teaching Profession report will be available in the September issue. Council will consider the committee's formal report at its September

The Minister's paper is available on the Ministry's web site.