Kids and Technology

Council governance review underway | College launches review of teaching qualifications | 2003 Annual Report highlights | Teaching experience clarified | Professional development advice to Minister | Alternative French-language Bachelor of Education programs | New qualifying test rules for ICQ holders | Qualifications for teaching students with developmental disabilities | Investigations | Dispute Resolution Program | Discipline Panel Decisions

Dispute Resolution Program

The College uses Dispute Resolution (DR) to facilitate the resolution of suitable complaints regarding members of the profession. DR is voluntary and without prejudice to the parties. Agreements arising from this process protect the public interest and are similar in nature to those expected following a full investigation or hearing.

The College's committees consider the public interest in determining whether publication of such matters is necessary. The College monitors compliance with all agreements reached through DR.

Member: Sherif Ashamalla
Registration number: 278403
Decision: Certificates of Qualification and Registration cancelled

Following notification by the Durham Catholic District School Board, the Registrar initiated a complaint against Sherif Ashamalla, a member of the College, alleging that he had sent inappropriate sexual e-mail to two female minor students and that he had invited them to touch him in a sexual manner.

On December 19, 2003, the Investigation Committee ratified a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Ashamalla and the College, in which the member agreed to

  • resign his membership in the College
  • cancellation of his certificates by the Registrar
  • not reapply for membership in the College for three years
  • publication of his name with a summary of the complaint and its resolution in Professionally Speaking
  • maintenance of the Investigation Committee's decision, including the MOA, in the College's Margaret Wilson Library
  • a notation on the public register regarding the member's resignation and cancellation of his certificates including a statement that, at the time of the resignation, a professional misconduct investigation was in progress regarding allegations of sexual communication with two female students. Ashamalla does not admit the allegations.
  • College notification of the cancellation of the member's certificates to his former employer and the education authorities routinely informed of such disciplinary action.

Member: Sarah Katarina Harper
Registration number: 439420
Decision: Undertaking not to teach for a period of 14 months

Following notification by the Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board, the Registrar initiated a complaint against Sarah Katarina Harper, a member of the College, alleging that she had inappropriately used school funds.

On December 19, 2003, the Investigation Committee ratified a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between Harper and the College, in which the member agreed to

  • not seek or engage in employment where Certificates of Qualification and Registration are required for a period of 14 months from the ratification of the MOA
  • not utilize the funds or credit card of any current or future employer for personal purchases unless expressly authorized to do so
  • publication of her name with a summary of the complaint and its resolution in Professionally Speaking
  • maintenance of the Investigation Committee's decision, including the MOA, in the College's Margaret Wilson Library
  • a notation on the public register indicating that the member has undertaken not to seek or engage in employment where Certificates of Qualification and Registration are required for 14 months from the date of the ratification of the MOA. The notation will also state that at the time of the undertaking, a professional misconduct investigation was in progress regarding the member's inappropriate use of school funds
  • College notification of her voluntary undertaking not to teach for 14 months to her former employer and the education authorities routinely informed of such disciplinary action.

Member: John Craig Williams
Registration number: 239125
Decision: Certificates of Qualification and Registration cancelled

Following notification by the Bluewater District School Board, the Registrar initiated a complaint against John Craig Williams, a member of the College, alleging that he had engaged in a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old female student and had made inappropriate comments to several other students.

On February 27, 2004, the Investigation Committee ratified a memorandum of agreement (MOA) between the member and the College, in which the member agreed to

  • resign his membership in the College
  • cancellation of his certificate by the Registrar
  • not reapply for membership in the College for two years and not seek or engage in employment where Certificates of Qualification and Registration are required
  • publication of his name with a summary of the complaint and its resolution in Professionally Speaking
  • maintenance of the Investigation Committee's decision, including the MOA, in the College's Margaret Wilson Library
  • a notation on the public register regarding the member's resignation and cancellation of his certificates including a statement that, at the time of the resignation, a professional misconduct investigation was in progress at the College regarding allegations that the member engaged in a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old female student and made inappropriate comments to several other students
  • College notification of the cancellation of the member's certificates to the member's former employer and the education authorities routinely informed of such disciplinary action.